The Law of Assumption Coach

Using Neville Goddard's "Feeling Is The Secret" To Manifest Your Desires

Use Neville Goddard’s “Feeling Is The Secret” To Manifest Your Desires

If you want to make your dreams a reality, Neville Goddard’s teachings on manifesting your desires using a Law of Assumption concept called, Feeling Is The Secret, might be the key to unlocking your true potential.

Neville Goddard was a 20th-century spiritual teacher who gained considerable recognition for his teachings on how to manifest what you desire. He believed that the power to manifest lies within us and that the key to achieving our dreams is to understand the Law of Assumption.

The Law of Assumption states that we can manifest our desires by assuming that they are already true. This means feeling as if your desired outcome has already happened.

Neville Goddard believed that feeling is the secret to manifesting our desires. He believed that if we can change the way we feel, we can change our reality. Goddard’s teachings focus on the power of feeling. He believed that the foundation of manifesting what we desire is to be able to feel as if it is already true. He believed that if you can imagine it and feel it as if it has already happened, then it will manifest in the physical world.

Watch this video to find out how “Feeling Is The Secret” works!

Goddard also believed in the power of visualization. Visualization is the process of creating a mental picture of what you want to manifest. When we visualize our desired outcome, we create a powerful mental image of it in our minds. This mental image helps to trigger the Law of Assumption, which then creates the physical manifestation of our dream.

Goddard’s teachings are based on the idea that the only thing that is real is the present moment. He taught that if we focus on the present moment and our current feelings, we can create a powerful vibration that attracts what we desire to us.

He also taught that if we are able to stay in the present moment, without worrying about the future or the past, then we can create a vibration that will attract our desired outcome.

In conclusion, Neville Goddard’s teachings on manifesting your desires using a Law of Assumption concept called Feeling Is The Secret, can be a powerful tool to help you achieve your dreams. By understanding and applying his teachings, you can create a powerful vibration that will attract your desired outcome to you.

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